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Sign up for PSFA InformationThe Magazine of San Diego State University is published by the Division of University Relations and Development for an audience of alumni, donors, faculty, staff and friends of SDSU.
With a combination of vibrant graphics and lively narrative, 360 tells the unfolding story of San Diego’s oldest and largest university in a contemporary voice that spotlights SDSU’s emergence as a national leader in higher education. 360 has won multiple awards for content and design from the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). Published in spring and fall, it is also available online at
To receive a print copy of 360 Magazine, become a member of the SDSU Alumni Association or give to The Campaign for SDSU. To receive an email with stories from each new issue, send a request to
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There are a host of opportunities to get involved, stay connected to the university through the SDSU Alumni Association. You may find an old friend or a slew of new friends by locating a chapter of the alumni association near you. Make sure your information is up-to-date with the SDSU Alumni Association.
Keep up with The Dean's Message
News and views from the desk of Dean Joyce Gattas. Highlighting the newest research, people, and events from around the College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts.
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