PSFA College Council
The PSFA College Council is the governing body for all students with majors and minors in the College of Professional Studies & Fine Arts. The Council meets regularly and provides an opportunity for leadership involvement, networking, student advocacy, as well as extracurricular activities and programs that affect PSFA students.
Each Student Activities and Campus Life Office (SACL) recognized club or organization is entitled to have one voting representative who sits on the Council. Any PSFA student can attend Council meetings but only representatives and at-large members can vote. This representative has the opportunity to provide advice and direction for many academic and programmatic issues that face the College. Additionally, clubs and organizations with a representative in good standing, can receive A.S. funding for food, travel and/or supplies.
Numerous activities are available that will enhance one’s leadership skills and at times, support an individual club or organization. In addition to representing PSFA at events such as Welcome Week, Homecoming, Spring Fiesta, Explore SDSU and Commencement, representatives have the opportunity to express ideas and opinions with the Dean of the College and/or her designee.
Our Purpose
- Promote the interests of the College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts through SDSU
- Promote Student/Faculty cooperation by solving common problems related to/ affecting PSFA
- Provide assistance and support for activities and programs of student organizations and academic departments of PSFA
- Improve inter- and intra- departmental communication
- Allocate funds as provided to PSFA by the Associated Students
Meet the Council
- Coming Soon