Student Excels Via Study Abroad and a Passion for Film

Annette Rainey
April 26, 2017
Annette Rainey, graduate of the SDSU Television, Film & New Media (TFM) program, seeks to focus on writing and editing in her future career, although she loves the wide spectrum of career possibilities in the film industry.
Rainey’s goal as a filmmaker is to bring to light stories that have been overlooked or ignored over time, including those of marginalized individuals in America. She strives to play an active role in bringing forth poignant elements of the human experience through storytelling in her films.
Last summer, Rainey studied abroad through the SDSU School of Communication, traveling through Ireland, Scotland, England, and France while studying the rhetoric of leadership and tourism. Through this experience, she learned about the influence of language and communication on leadership abilities, as well as a better understanding and appreciation of American culture.
As a student who skipped two years of school, Rainey has struggled to find her place among much-older peers at SDSU. She graduates this May at the age of 19. In the Fall, Rainey will attend Chapman University in Anaheim for the Graduate Editing program.
The content within this article has been edited by Lizbeth Persons.
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