Student Aspires to Improve Housing Industry

May 15, 2018
Arlene Linda Fraser
School of Public Affairs Outstanding Graduate, 2018
A high school design course first inspired Arlene Linda Fraser’s interest in housing. That interest grew as she oversaw the building of her prior home. Now, she is graduating from the School of Public Affairs with a degree in public administration and an emphasis in city planning.
“I have seen the negative impacts of the growing housing affordability problem in San Diego,” said Fraser.
Now she is using her education to combat those negative impacts—she currently works full time as a contractor for Community HousingWorks (CHW), a nonprofit affordable housing developer.
Fraser first came to CHW through an internship that she describes as “exactly what I wanted” and was able to secure thanks to Professor Frosio, who Fraser lists as her most influential faculty member. Her courses in city planning aided her success at her internship, which included preparing property abstracts through research and completing a funding package for affordable housing rehabilitation projects.
However, Fraser is not new to the housing industry. She has an associate’s degree in architecture and has worked for years as a residential design consultant. Her work is thoughtful, and she analyzes the ways that spatial design choices shape behavior and create opportunities.
“I have seen the positive impact of this industry, as I meet individuals and families who were severely impacted by deplorable and unsafe housing conditions, who now enjoy safe, quality housing and a community of support,” said Fraser.
Fraser will miss the people and the intellectual stimulation she found within the public administration department, but says she will return for her master’s in city planning.
When asked what she hopes for her fellow graduates she encouraged her peers to be grateful for the opportunities professors have provided and said, “think about how each one of us can consciously work to create opportunities for others.”
The content within this article has been edited by Lizbeth Persons.
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