SDSU Professor Invited to Exhibit Art Internationally

Black Box is a video installation viewed inside a burned out bus is on view in "The Language of Dead Things."
March 23, 2017
San Diego State University School of Art and Design assistant professor Carlos Castro has been invited to exhibit his artwork in Columbia, New Zealand, Ecuador and Mexico.
By taking objects such as human teeth, burned buses and old statues, Castro’s pieces identify with the history of his life in Columbia.
Castro’s latest exhibits, “The Language of Dead Things” and “The Black Box,” showcase his talent of re-contextualizing objects and creating a significant story through their new use.
“It is a big challenge, because some of these elements come from personal and intimate things. It is interesting to see how people see it in a different context,” Castro said.
Memories showcased through Columbian history
Originally from Bogotá, Columbia, Castro unites his earlier life with historic symbols, such as the sculptures and furniture from when he was growing up. One of the sculptures, weighing 600 pounds, sits on a desk that belonged to Castro.
For Castro, implementing sculptures of historic Columbian founding fathers in “The Language of Dead Things” reflects personal feelings and memories while incorporating Columbian history.
“I found it finds culture and elements of well-known people here [in Columbia], but I use these to convey feelings and memories,” Castro said.
From abandonment to exhibit
Castro found an alternative use for an abandoned burnt school bus featured in “The Black Box.” The inside of the bus has been transformed to a portable theatre that observers are allowed to enter.
While inside of the bus, a short film is played that adds deeper meaning with visuals influenced by the possible past of the burnt bus. One can expect various emotions to be expressed through the diverse aspects of the exhibit.
Castro’s exhibitions, “The Language of Dead Things” and “The Black Box,” are currently on exhibit in Bogotá, Columbia at El Dorado Gallery until April 15.
The content within this article has been edited by Lizbeth Persons.
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