Recent Criminal Justice Alumna Accepts Early Admission to Johns Hopkins
Vanessa Nyawabila to pursue her Master of Public Health.

Student Vanessa Nyawabila
by Nora Leyva
February 4, 2021
Vanessa Nyawabila graduated from San Diego State University in Dec. 2020 with a B.S. in Criminal Justice with Distinction in the Major. According to Nyawabila, she chose to complete her undergraduate education at SDSU because “it is an excellent place for students to explore their various interests with faculty who want you to succeed.”
During her time at SDSU and the School of Public Affairs, she served as a peer adviser for both the Criminal Justice and Public Administration majors. She also worked at UCSD as a research assistant. Her commitment to serve others was evident in her advising practice and the care put into working with each of the students she met with. However, her commitment to service dates back many.
Since Nyawabila was a young girl, she aspired to one day become a doctor and serve underserved communities. Her own personal experiences led her to realize how the immigration and public health systems affect and ostracize people from immigrant and other minoritized backgrounds. Her criminal justice education allowed Nyawabila to “integrate my passions for health equity and social justice.
My experience at SDSU encouraged me to find my voice and work towards policy reform, which lead me to want to pursue a Master of Public Health degree, focusing on Health Policy. I hope to continue to utilize the skills I have learned at SDSU on my next academic journey.”
Nyawabila applied to be admitted to the Master of Public Health (MPH) program at Johns Hopkins for Fall 2021 admission. Unsurprisingly to those who know her, she received an early offer of admission from Johns Hopkins, the #1 ranked MPH program according to U.S. News & World Report, and has accepted the offer. “I have no doubt that Vanessa will not only succeed but exceed in her MPH program! She represents the best of SDSU and I am sure she will continue to make our School proud for years to come,” said Nora Leyva, Criminal Justice Adviser.
The content within this article has been edited by Lizbeth Persons.
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