San Diego State University College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts

Course Is Key for Success in the Film Industry

“Business Aspects of TV & Film Production” teaches film financing, production scheduling and budgeting, and the distribution & marketing of television and film.

Course Is Key for Success in the Film Industry

by Gabriela Romero

October 4, 2021

A refreshed, hands-on, unfiltered, and practical course taught by Jeffery Deverett is now offered through the School of Theatre, Television, and Film. TFM 401/601 is geared primarily toward students who are interested in producing. However, directors, writers, cinematographers, and other film positions will gain important and practical knowledge of the film business, making it an essential course to take for anyone who is interested in any cinematic career.

According to Deverett, “If you want to make money as an Indie filmmaker, you must understand the business aspects of the Film industry.”

This Theater Production pre-requisite course is offered every spring and fall and is taught through three units: film distribution and marketing, film scheduling and budgeting, and film financing. It emphasises “business” rather than artistry.

Maisy Montagu is a School of Theatre, Television, and Film senior who took the course in spring ‘21 and currently interns for Deverett’s production company. “In each unit, I learned about aspects of the industry that were new to me. Upon graduation, I have discovered aspects of the filmmaking industry that I’m passionate about, and I also have a much better understanding of the industry as a whole,” says Montagu.

Deverett is an industry veteran who has 22 years of distribution experience and has produced/directed seven feature films, three of which are presently streaming on Netflix worldwide. He uses his experience to offer a course unlike any other at SDSU. “This course will expose you to all of the “business aspects” that you need to know, as opposed to the “artistic aspects,” he said. “After students take the course, they will be equipped with the knowledge they need to produce a commercially viable indie film.”

Director of the School of Theatre, Television, and Film Niyi Coker notes, “Professor Deverett is a major addition to our Television and Film area. His background in law and as a filmmaker/producer are vital to our School and to our students. When students set out to become filmmakers, they are hardly aware that their success will be highly dependent on more of the business aspects of filmmaking. The distribution and marketing angles are seldom explored by young filmmakers.”

“What I most enjoyed about the class were all the guest speakers Professor Deverett brought on to talk about their specific role in the industry. It was so cool to have a better understanding of the variety of jobs in the entertainment industry and hear first-hand accounts of what they do,” said alumna Kara Jacobs.

More information on Professor Deverett can be found here on the School of TTF’s website.

The content within this article has been edited by Lizbeth Persons.

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