San Diego State University College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts

Art and Design Student Profile: Sylvia Paredes

Meet Slyvia Paredes, San Diego local majoring in Graphic Design.

Art and Design Student Profile: Sylvia Paredes

March 23, 2022

1. Hometown: 

My hometown is San Diego, more specifically Chula Vista! I was raised in Tijuana in my early childhood and still have a connection with San Diego's Mexican counterpart. 

2. Major and year in school: 

I am a graphic design student, currently also minoring in marketing. I am a junior here at SDSU. 

3. How did you decide on SDSU? 

To be completely honest, I only applied to three schools, I couldn't afford to go far and I did not have a "dream" school. What made me choose SDSU over UCSD was money but I am so glad I did it. The community here is so strong and it meshes very well with my personality. 

4. What’s your favorite part about your field/major? 

The niches within graphic design. Many people tend to put graphic design in a box but there are so many things you can specialize in. For example, you can be a brand specialist that has knowledge of business and apply that knowledge to expand a business's impact. You can design interfaces for applications, or you could design packaging for a makeup brand. It's not limited at all. What I especially love about graphic design is the diversity of people you can work with. You are connected with many people within jobs, it's amazing! You can hijack it and start networking from there. 

5. What does it take to be successful in your major?

Many people tend to say strong technical skills or a good portfolio. But really what it really takes is a mix of that but what overtakes both is networking and your intrapersonal connections with others. For example, if you are competing with another wonderful designer for a job, and that designer knows a person who knows the person who's hiring you, the chances of them getting the job is higher. I am not discrediting a good portfolio and skill at all, those are critical to the job, but what pushes you over the rest and makes you stand out is having a strong network (and having some basic knowledge of business practices and news)

6. What do you hope to do in the future? 

Originally I wanted to be an in-house designer, and I still do at some point but if we look at the long term goal: I want to have a graphic design agency that specializes in startup branding. I also want to create a non-profit that teaches kids and teens design and art practices early on. 

7. Any faculty to shout out and why? 

My shout-out is Arzu Ozkal! She had always, always rooted for me and given me the opportunities to expand and be where I currently am. I want to say an important thing to any student reading this: talk to your professors. After class, before class, whenever you can. Most of them really are there for you and want to see you succeed! They have so much wisdom to share. Don't miss out on that because you are shy, talk!

8. Favorite place to eat on campus, what do you get?

Well, I try not to spend much so I usually go to the Aztec market. BUT I really like the Olive Oil Sandwiches. When I do go, I get anything that has cheese, pesto, and avocado.

9. Favorite place to visit in San Diego?

I'm honestly not sure what my favorite place is, I like many places and have fond memories. The one place that has truly put me in awe is a specific hill in the Rolling Hills Ranch area in Chula Vista. Some years ago I hiked there after a rainy season, and once I reached the top I saw the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen. Wild grass flowing in the wind, sun with a few clouds creating some shadows, wildflowers, etc. Just writing about it gives me chills. On that hike, I learned that we have wild garlic in our native plants. It looks like a tiny twig but does taste like garlic. Please do not copy me and eat random plants.

10. Please include a photo of yourself

In my search for a photo that shows who I am, this is it. I might sound put together but trust me, I am far from it. I wanted to show you that I am not unapproachable but rather a lot of the time look like this. This was a photo taken right before a professional headshot at an event. It's funny, not my best shot, but it's an accurate representation of me, a student just like you.

The content within this article has been edited by Lizbeth Persons.

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